Saturday, 9 November 2013

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What drives people to social media sites?

I'm sitting in my room alone, in front of the laptop while watching television, which is quite a not so multi-tasking thing to do as you may say while making my magic with the keyboard, writing this post to you dear readers, thinking whether you'll enjoy my post later on or not. I know everyone knows the answer to my blog post topic, on why do we keep on going to social media sites. Some of you might say, because we're addicted to it. We love to socialize. Because it's freaking awesome, not until it is already saturated or boring. If you do think it is now not cool to have a social media sites, think of what humans are capable of doing say 10 years before. That's quite an achievement right?

So thank you for your interest in reading my blog. I'm not an intellectual guy, a programmer, an expert in something that I do, nor do I own a big company to have a say on something big, or small like this as you might think of, but I still need to release what keeps on repeating in my head, which I can quite actually answer myself.


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